Event Organisers:Arctic Foundation - Arctic PortalIceland Reg. nr. 6107211090Radhustorg 7600 AkureyriIceland
The event takes place on 14th - 16th October 2024 in Akureyri, Iceland
Cancellation must be made in writing via email to [email protected]
Press Register to be forwarded to a credit card payment formThe total amount of your registration is automatically calculated. After payment you will be emailed an automatic receipt. Please save the link provided to your registration for any further communication.
A confirmation email and an official invoice will be sent to you by the organizer as soon as the payment and your logistical details are registered!
If you require to use a bank transfer payment method, you select the Payment via bank transfer checkbox option and then press the Register button. You will receive an automated email with payment instructions.
After completing your registration, please email your payment confirmation details to [email protected] within minimum two weeks of registration, other vice it may get cancelled. A confirmation email and an official invoice will be sent to you by the organizer as soon as the payment and your logistical details are registered!
Please transfer your registration amount to:Bank information: Arion Bank - SWIFT: ESJAISREAccount holder. Arctic Foundation-ArcticPortal.org, Radhustorg 7, 600 Akureyri, Iceland.IBAN number: IS900358380011646107211090Reference: 9th CNARC Symposium Accommodation and Travel - ( Please enter Delegates' name )Please send a confirmation of payment email to: [email protected]A confirmation email will be sent to you by the organizer as soon as the payment and your logistical details are registered!
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